QLD Regional Forecasts

Forecast for North Tropical Coast and Tablelands

In this state, prepare for some scattered showers along the coast and possibly a thunderstorm, so make sure to pack an umbrella and stay indoors if you hear thunder. Don't forget your sunblock, as the UV index is predicted to reach an extreme level, so protect yourself between 8:30am to 4:10pm.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Atherton🌧1925Shower or two.
Mareeba🌧2128Shower or two.

Forecast for Herbert and Lower Burdekin

Looks like the sun will be playing hide and seek with some showers in the late morning and afternoon, possibly accompanied by a dramatic thunderstorm. Don't forget to hold onto your hats with those east to southeasterly winds blowing at 20 to 30 km/h. Night-time will bring a mild chill with temperatures dropping to between 19 and 23, while daytime will heat up to around 30. Remember to slather on that sunscreen from 8:30am to 4:00pm as the UV Index is predicted to reach a scorching 12 [Extreme].

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Townsville🌧2431Shower or two.
Ayr🌧2231Shower or two.

Forecast for Central Coast and Whitsundays

It might be a good idea to bring an umbrella for the showers expected in the late morning and afternoon, along with some sunscreen to protect against the extreme UV index of 11 during the day in partly cloudy conditions with a chance of a thunderstorm, and temperatures ranging from 19 to 30 degrees.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Bowen🌧2332Shower or two.

Forecast for Peninsula

Looks like you'll need to pack an umbrella for the morning and afternoon showers, with a high chance of a thunderstorm to keep things interesting. Don't forget your sunscreen, with a UV Index predicted to reach a whopping 14 [Extreme] throughout the day. Overnight temperatures will drop to the low to mid 20s, but daytime temperatures will still reach around 30. And be prepared for shifting winds throughout the day, starting off east to southeasterly at 15 to 20 km/h, then becoming easterly at 20 to 30 km/h in the morning before finally becoming east to southeasterly and light in the evening.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Weipa🌧2430Showers. Possible storm.
Coen🌧2429Showers. Possible storm.
Palmerville🌧2232Shower or two.
Thursday Island🌧2430Showers. Possible storm.

Forecast for Gulf Country

Don't forget your umbrella in the afternoon, there's a medium chance of showers with a possible thunderstorm and light winds in the morning, temperatures ranging from low to high 30s and extreme UV levels in the afternoon in this partly cloudy state.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Normanton🌧2535Shower or two. Possible storm.
Burketown🌧2435Possible shower.
Doomadgee🌧2435Shower or two.
Kowanyama🌧2433Shower or two. Possible storm.

Forecast for Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders

Expect some clouds with a side of showers in the east and a sprinkle elsewhere, along with a potential thunderstorm - don't forget your umbrella! Don't be fooled by the easterly winds blowing at 25 to 35 km/h, overnight temperatures will drop to a cool 18 to 22 degrees Celsius while daytime temperatures will rise to a toasty 29 to 35 degrees Celsius. Remember your sun protection from 8:30am to 4:10pm, as the UV Index is predicted to reach an extreme level of 12 - better slather on that sunscreen!

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Charters Towers🌧2031Shower or two.
Georgetown🌧2233Possible shower.

Forecast for Capricornia

It might rain a bit in the north, maybe sprinkle in the south, and possibly thunderstorm up top. Watch out for those east to southeasterly winds blowing at 20 to 30 km/h. Keep an eye on the temperatures dropping to 17-22 overnight and hitting around 30 during the day. Don't forget your sunscreen from 8:20am to 3:50pm, with an extreme UV Index of 11 on the cards.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Gladstone🌧2230Shower or two.
Rockhampton🌧2129Shower or two.
Biloela1733Partly cloudy.
Yeppoon🌧2328Shower or two.

Forecast for Central Highlands and Coalfields

Expect a mix of sun and clouds with a small possibility of a shower up north, but don't bet on rain anywhere else. There's a slight chance of a thunderstorm in the north, so hold onto your hats as the winds pick up throughout the day. Temperatures will range from 16 to 20 overnight, hitting around 30 during the day. Make sure to slap on that sunscreen from 8:30am to 4:00pm, as the UV index is expected to reach an extreme 11.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Emerald1932Partly cloudy.
Clermont1830Partly cloudy.
Moranbah🌧1930Possible shower.

Forecast for Central West

Expect a mix of sun and thunderstorms in the northeast, with strong easterly winds and temperatures dropping at night but soaring during the day - don't forget your sunscreen with an extreme UV Index of 11.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description

Forecast for North West

Queensland will have mostly sunny weather with a slight chance of a shower in the northwest and near zero chance elsewhere, but watch out for thunderstorms near Mt Isa in the afternoon and evening; expect easterly winds at 20 to 30 km/h and overnight temperatures dropping to the low to mid 20s with daytime temperatures in the mid to high 30s, so make sure to wear high sun protection from 9:00am to 4:30pm as the UV Index is predicted to reach 12 (Extreme).

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Mount Isa2136Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Channel Country

It's going to be a scorcher in this state, with sunny skies and temperatures soaring to around 40 degrees - better have that sunscreen handy and stay indoors during peak UV hours!

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description

Forecast for Maranoa and Warrego

Enjoy another scorching day in the sunshine, with light winds in the morning and temperatures soaring into the 30s, make sure to slap on some sunscreen and seek shade between 8:30am and 3:50pm as the UV index hits a very high 10.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
St George☀️2035Sunny.

Forecast for Darling Downs and Granite Belt

In sunny Queensland, watch out for fog in the far east in the morning, with light winds shifting to east to northeasterly 15 to 20 km/h; overnight temperatures will drop to 15-19 degrees and daytime temperatures will reach 29-34 degrees, so be sure to wear sun protection from 8:20am to 3:30pm with a predicted UV Index of 10 [Very High].

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Toowoomba1626Partly cloudy.
Warwick1430Partly cloudy.
Stanthorpe1527Mostly sunny.

Forecast for Wide Bay and Burnett

Grab your umbrella if you're by the coast, but don't bother elsewhere - light winds will become southeasterly, then easterly, with temperatures dropping to 15-20 overnight and hitting 30 during the day in this partly cloudy state. Don't forget your sunscreen between 8:20am and 3:30pm, as the UV Index is expected to reach a very high 10.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Bundaberg🌧2130Possible shower.
Gympie1830Partly cloudy.
Hervey Bay2129Partly cloudy.
Kingaroy1529Partly cloudy.
Maryborough1930Partly cloudy.
Gayndah1733Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Southeast Coast

In some parts, you might need a flashlight to find your way through the fog in the morning, but don't bother bringing an umbrella because rain is about as likely as a unicorn sighting; make sure to slather on the sunscreen before noon to avoid turning into a lobster under the scorching UV rays.

LocationIconMin Temp (°C)Max Temp (°C)Description
Beaudesert1729Partly cloudy.
Brisbane1929Mostly sunny.
Gatton1730Partly cloudy.
Ipswich1730Mostly sunny.
Logan Central1729Mostly sunny.
Maroochydore2029Partly cloudy.
Redcliffe2128Mostly sunny.
Surfers Paradise1928Partly cloudy.